兩周一聚(十): 我博十六點

1 大號:周游要列國,擺明車馬要以遊埠為終生職業。

2 起初:給好朋友的電郵有出無入,06年秋索性寫短信公諸網上。

3 結果:無人搔,繼續自說自話了一會,想過收檔。

4 然後:開始發癲,虛構真人間中不真事,出賣朋友的名字。

5 以便:人在旅途生活時,遇過的都帶動一場歡喜,為免回憶落一場空,便摘下來。

6 當然:名字和靈魂之間的距離,像瑞典天氣般非能預測。

7 因為:飛書之時我通常出竅,漫遊火星去。

8 既然:自得其樂得很,便無界無色無悔地想說便吹,想寫便繪。

9 間或:過路人的糖果我拾得滿心歡喜,自己的天花亂墜得文字化身為龍鳳。

10 居然:來鴻總穿越密雲降落在最灰冷的長冬。

11 於是:一心便暖起來。

12 而且:青青的線便慢慢在宇宙間拋和受。

13 或許:不娓娓回應是我的理性選擇,或令你沒趣。

14 希望:往後的互聯一直健壯下去。

15 期待:網上墳墓的出現,讓你我的霹靂白勒他朝長眠宇宙。

16 本來:無一物,起碼我們相遇過。


michelle, readandeatsherry, C+, aulinahevangle, nankin, lomichee, longqt, yaya, gwenzilla, kempton, silver, Simon Lai, mad dog, zero, audreyma, milkcandy, lcl, cr, Coffee, Uncle Ray, Pema , lifeflavours, Mugen C, IMAK, Haricot, , 笨豬, 揚眉, 洛言 , 花想老麥

兩周一聚就如國際文堂,由巴黎michelle 發起,有興趣者輪流出題,每月十五三十日自行貼自博。不是籌款也非起哄,為寫而寫,純粹集耍。


第十一期題目為【傳統 & 傳統智慧】Convention &  Conventional Wisdom,由加燦主打,去報名啦,3月30日見!

31 thoughts on “兩周一聚(十): 我博十六點

  1. ***嘩真好***好大伙博友一齊寫!!!


  2. 1. 我也想以”以遊埠為終生職業”哦!
    8. >>”…無色無悔地想說便吹,想寫便繪”….哈哈!我也喜歡自吹自繪!
    16. “本來:無一物,起碼我們相遇過。”慶幸在這綱上世界有緣與妳你妳你們相遇!

    14, agree with Kempton, wish 兩周一聚 stays strong!

  3. “起碼我們相遇過”

    I feel the same. Thanks for sharing.

    Enjoy your O.T hours. I just drop by to say “hi”.

  4. kempton: i really enjoy your comments, always lead me to think a step ahead:) got to cook/hang up the laundry now, weekends could be moms’ OT hours. talk later!

  5. 1 “遊埠為終生職業”, I am too lazy to travel, so I will look forward to your reports. 🙂
    9 Ha ha, it is a two way street as we enjoy your posts and videos. Who can forget 又 le 又 loo video? (big smile and hugs to ff and yy)
    14 We, the 兩周一聚 gang, are blog friends and will get stronger as times go by, I think and I hope.
    15 Although I would have phrase it differently, this is true already. Our generations, and future generations will have left the most digital footprints ever. Things that anthropologist (人類學家) can learn about us are deep and can be shocking. In some senses, making privacy advocates and privacy commissioners around the world nervous.
    16 So true. ha ha.


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