

我一直想告訴你,瑞典文中我丈夫叫作min man,直譯是my man,多麼的到肉到每次口吐min man心中收音機便響起她,倚著頭唱 cos you’re my man, I love you the best I can…  雞蛋殼般的象牙臉龐怎能抵擋,林憶蓮你還叫陸一一那年代我在上格床聽你裝八,高人點的藝名到底跟你的婉婉不配。

min man 在屋頂當蜘蛛俠已是第N 天了,我們的老屋頂打從七十年代便沒有修葺過,蜘蛛俠加方芳方悠的廿歲表哥把插滿舊鐵釘的長木板逐塊撬起來,將屋子的大腦掏個空空,長木板飛呀落在草地上,上星期才多得min man 之媽媽,即我奶奶我總怕這疊字,專程來指導我一大場剪草遊戲規則。才開始像個花園的模樣,同一天下午已被長老木板攤攤開。

於是這堆太陽被月亮蝕去的日字,我化身做草地盤工人,負責將比我老得多的木呀釘呀lee 呀lo 呀,抬槓到一角堆起大木山一座。有時爛鐵爛乜爛物不願離去死要纏在草條條之間,我的手指便恨恨將之拔起,同時將我要一百巴仙新屋的美夢連根割。



14 thoughts on “月亮把屋頂蝕了

  1. 你好,我是上次在Majorna 二手市集碰到的在HDK念設計的台灣女生。目前為止的Summer過的還好嗎?我的email是rhodayen@gmail.com 有空一起喝杯咖啡 🙂

  2. 累得賊死也心甘因為那是你他她她的窩。



    1. haricot:

      Sorry that i wrote wrongly. The house was built in the 30´s but the roof had been renovated once in the 70’s. So it has lasted for 30-40 years now.

      The old roof from bottom to top layer:
      wood planks< tar paper< concrete tiles

      The NEW roof from bottom to top layer:
      wood planks< plastic sheet < over 15cm insulation < plastic sheet < enhanced tar paper < roofing tiles

      They had piled up pretty much sawdust as insulation in the loft. When we removed the old roof, most of the tar paper had become brittle after the decades. Except the roofing tiles are second hand, all the materials are new and of enhanced quality. Hopefully the new construction will be able to serve us well for the next few decades.

    1. That night was some kind of experience in fact. The old roof was totally removed on the day it started to get windy and rainy. An enormous industrial plastic was put up and wrapping the whole roof. Then came the storm like wind… We could hardly sleep since if the plastic would be blown away the rain would fall right on top of our room ceilings. At 1am P went up and nailed some more long planks to fix position…. and our dreams were saved.

      1. Wow…! That must be scary! Hope everything will go well from now on! Add oil!

        ffyy can take pictures of the whole process, a kind of participation as well 🙂

    1. “林憶蓮你還叫陸一一那年代”
      Ah … those radio days! 六啤半的前後年代真叫人懷念.

      Havana 篇在報上看時覺得很棒, 沒留意是妳的傑作.

      1. 咁你同我都唔細,我四張,你呢天天? 你的名字音義俱佳,我鍾意。

        有機會去古巴的話,我把Linnet 的聯絡給你。

      2. 愚兄痴長數載 😛
        古巴對我來說是卡斯特羅與雪茄,真的被sterotyped了! 小許的感覺由樂滿夏灣拿(Buena Vista Social Club)而來, 有機會當要走一走, 不過看了妳的遊記,等同去了一趟了:-)

    2. readandeat 唉只搞好一半,博士餘下的年假將全奉獻給另一半。



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